Glass Onion

Email Marketing

Managed Email Service

Design, distribute, report.  Simple.

Companies use email marketing to improve corporate image, build brand loyalty, acquire new customers, drive web site traffic and increase sales.  Glass Onion’s managed email service can do all this quickly and successfully.

Managed email service includes distinctive design, database management to maximise delivery rates and viewership, targeted email distribution and detailed campaign reporting.  Glass Onion’s managed email service provides a targeted, cost-effective means to communicate with both internal and external customers.

Some examples of our email service are:

Cement Australia

At the cutting edge of technology and innovation, Cement Australia is the largest supplier of cement products and services in Australia and employs over 1,500 people. With the annual sales and marketing conference ahead, Cement Australia recognised that employee participation and enthusiasm was vital to its success.  To present the program attractively, Glass Onion provided a managed email service that included a humorous, animated, multi-page e-card containing events details, accommodation information and RSVP contacts.


Synchromesh is an agency providing a broad range of marketing communications services to its customers.  One financial services client sought the ability to quickly and frequently communicate product news, seminar invitations and company announcements to its sales channel.

Glass Onion provides an ongoing managed email service including delivery of targeted emails five to ten times per month and SQL database maintenance for capturing seminar registrations and survey data.  Glass Onion’s thorough campaign analysis provides Synchromesh with detailed campaign reports and recommendations for future campaigns based on measurable results.

Email marketing platform - re:ceive

Clients can also quickly plan, execute, measure and optimise highly personalised permission-based communication with Glass Onion's email marketing tool - re:ceive.  

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